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Upcycled Tool Caddy

I found this tool caddy at Value Village for $2.99. It was the last trip I made to a thrift store before the world shut down due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Last weekend , like the weekend before and the weekend before that, lol I had some time on my hands so I decided to transform the caddy.

I had some left over indoor white latex paint and I started to paint it and realized I forgot to take a “before” picture.  The picture below is shown with only one coat of paint. The paint soaked in quite well and it took about three to four coats to completely cover it.


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I decided to use my Cricut Maker to make a No. 1 decal and a combination of my Chalk Couture transfers to complete the designs on both sides of the tool caddy.


I put the No. 1 vinyl decal and used a Chalk Couture transfer with black chalk paste on one side. Here is a link to the Chalk Couture transfer I used.


I used part of another Chalk Couture transfer and black Chalk Couture paste on the other side. This transfer was from the March Club Couture monthly subscription.


I left the sides plain.

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I made this as a gift for someone but I’m not sure when I will be able to give it to her.  So, in the meantime, I’ll enjoy it in different areas of the house 🙂

I am leaning toward the side that says MARKET. What’s your favorite side?

A repurposed tool caddy – It’s A Wandaful Thing!

You can  follow me at all these lovely places:

Twitter @awandafulthing,  https://www.facebook.com/awandafulthing





https://www.facebook.com/groups/It’s A Wandaful Thing Chalk Couture Independent Designer

Thanks for stopping by. Until next time.


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