10 Things to Always Buy at the Thrift Store
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10 Things to Always Buy at the Thrift Store

You are probably thinking, does she know something I don’t know? (That is if you live in Canada). Alas, no, the thrift stores have not reopened yet (thanks COVID-19) but when they do and they will…you will probably be so excited like me that you will go nuts and just buy things for the sake…


Vintage and Thrift Hunting- Post #8 Plus A New Venture

Welcome back to Vintage and Thrift Hunting this is Post #8. I am so happy you’re here and can’t wait to share with you my latest thrifty and auction finds as well as to tell you about my latest venture. I’ve been busy garage “saleing” and auctioning and found some good items to sell on…

Vintage and Thrift Hunting- Post #6

Vintage and Thrift Hunting- Post #6

Welcome back to Vintage and Thrift Hunting this is Post #6. I am so happy you’re here and can’t wait to share with you my latest thrifty and auction finds! With yard and garage sale season in full swing there has been no lack of places to go or things to buy.  The hardest part…